Tradie Blueprint™

Everything a tradie needs and more

The Tradie Blueprint™Program and Planner is everything you need to

provide a clear pathway to your business success.

About the Program

The Tradie Blueprint™️ Program is everything you need to provide a clear pathway to your business success.

Over the course of 12 months you will be working with a member of the Tradie Coach team to identify your vision for your business and the 12 month goals that will begin your journey towards that vision.

Together we will create your financial budget, what are you sales targets, costs, overheads and staffing required to deliver those sales. Every quarter we will map out your 90 day goals, tasks, key focus results and key focus metrics that are required to deliver your 12 month goals and keep you accountable to stay on track and deliver on your vision.

Do these sound familiar?

  • Sick of reliving the same day over and over again never getting closer to your dreams, stuck on a hamster wheel.

  • Tried getting control of your planning before but struggled to stick to the plan

  • Tried other programs but the group coaching content was very generic and provided no accountability.

Has it got to a point where you’ve just given up trying and gone back to living each day as it comes?

Then the Tradie Blueprint™ is for you.

The Tradie Blueprint™ Program includes:

Setup Intensive 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions

Up to eight hours of one on one coaching split however suits you to plan your year whether that's all in one sitting or split over a couple of sessions.

Quarterly 90-day Goal Setting 1-on-1 Sessions

Every 90 days (3 months) we get together one on one to review the previous quarter and finalise your next quarter goals.

Monthly Zoom Accountability Sessions

Every month there is a zoom group accountability session to discuss how your month is going, any challenges you face and keep you accountable for what you say you are going to do.

Cashflow Software Sessions

In conjunction with Craig Minter from The Healthy Business Lab you get 4 months free access to the Profit First Prophet Software to manage your cashflow. Craig runs 6 zoom sessions to help you understand how to use the software within your business to manage your cash flow.

If you're aimlessly going from job to job without any direction

Not sure if Tradie Blueprint™ program is right for you?

Tradie Blueprint™ is NOT for everyone, and we’d prefer to help you figure out if it’s not right for you

BEFORE you join rather than waste your time.

Who Tradie Blueprint™ is for

  • Tradie Business Owners and Managers looking to grow personally and professionally

  • Tradies who want to be high performing and know planning is important.

  • Tradies who don't want to be consistently living ground hog day

  • Action takers who know that they need to put time into their business

  • People who are motivated to build a profitable, high achieving business that doesn’t rely on them

Who Tradie Blueprint™ is NOT for

  • Tradies who think they are too busy to plan

  • Tradies who think they can wing it and still succeed.

  • Tradies who have heard it all before and know better

  • Tradies who think their business is protected from falling sales and they don't need to network and grow.

We want you to be successful and will do everything in my power to support you on your journey

but I can’t do the work for you so if you are not 100% committed to this please DO NOT join.

Are you ready to for the journey ahead?

"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm!"

Winston Churchill

Tradie Blueprint: Expert Business Coaching and Mentoring for Your Growth Strategies, and Proven Solutions to Maximise Profitability and Success

Tradie Blueprint™ Planner

Tradie Blueprint™ Planner is a practical step by step guidebook designed for tradie business owners who want to build a successful and high performing business.

The Tradie Blueprint Planner is your one stop business planning tool that will guide you through the exact strategies I go through with my 1-on-1 coaching clients as part of the Tradie Blueprint™ Program. The strategies I’ll be showing you have taken several of my clients from poor time management and low performance to working less and having more flexibility with their time.

Our Clients

Book a call!

Not sure if Tradie Coach is right for you? Book a call and let’s have a chat.

For inquiries, contact us at 0421 042 201 or [email protected]

© 2023 Tradie Coach | All rights reserved.